Yu has recently launched it’s cysnogenOs based Flagship phone Yu Yutopia.It comes with CyanogenMod 12.1 based Cyanogen OS.It is packed with loads of high-end features but in a very budget friendly price tag.If you are one of the Yu Yutopia users then there is a very good news for you.Now you can easily and safely Flash / Install TWRP Recovery On Yu Yutopia After installing the TWRP recovery you can root your device by flashing the root package, you can install custom ROMs, kernels, system image and you can take nandroid backup and restore the backup when you need. First you have to unlock the bootloader on Yu Yutopia then you can flash the TWRP file via ADB & Fastboot command.It is a very simple and easy process.Follow the given steps to Install TWRP Recovery On Yu Yutopia Note: Unlocking bootloader will completely wipe your device’s data(Everything like music, photos, videos & apps).So we highly recommend taking backup of your important data. Now CM 13 is also available For Yu Yutopia.Guide > Download & Install CM13 ROM On Yu Yutopia Android Marshmallow 6.0
rootmygalaxy.net will not be held responsible for any kind of damage occurred to your Yu Yutopia while following this tutorial.Do it at your own risk.
Important & Pre-Requirements
*Make sure there is at least 60% battery left on your smartphone before begin started this process
Install USB Drivers on your computer.(Yu USB Drivers) Open Settings> Developer options and enable USB Debugging on your device. Setup ADB and Fastboot on your PC. (For Windows) How to Install ADB and Fastboot on Mac or Linux The bootloader must be unlocked.Guide > How To Unlock The Bootloader On Yu Yutopia
→ Flash TWRP Recovery On Yu Yutopia
TWRP for Yu Yutopia→ Download Link
How To Flash / Install TWRP Recovery On Yu Yutopia
Step By Step Guide →First of all Read the Pre-Requirement section Carefully.
Download the TWRP recovery from the above download section Then Put the TWRP recovery in the ADB & Fastboot folder (Pre-requirement section) Now boot your Yutopia into the bootloader mode Next, connect your device to PC Now Open Commqand Prompt from your ADB & fastboot folder. (Right-click and hold down the Shift key where there are no files in the folder and choose to open a new command window) Check if your devices is recognized by the Pc or not by issing following copmmands
Issue the given command to Flash TWRP Recovery On Yu Yutopia
Once the installtion is completed, your device will autiomatically reboot.
Done!!! Your device should now have the TWRP recovery installed. If you have any question related to this post, then feel free to leave that in the comment section below