Nextbit Robin is first fully functional cloud based Android smartphone.It was launched last year as a Kickstarter program and become very popular because of its clean android skin and some new cloud based features.If you own a Nextbit Robin and want to get a new fresh skin on your OS then there is a very great news for you guys.You can Install Any Android 6.0 Marshmallow custom ROM via recovery to get Marshmallow on your Robin Team CyanogenMod has released Official CyanogenMod 13 a.k.a CM 13 nightly ROM For Nextbit Robin code named Ether.As I mentioned before, it is an official ROM based on latest Android Marshmallow 6.0.It is safe to use as a daily driver.But remember, this is a nightly build so you will receive updates every day.You can use this one as your daily driver. This official CM13 ROM is a Very clean & Fast ROM with some added extra useful features.You will also get the DOZE Mode resulting in good battery life.Below we will be sharing Full step by step guide to Flash / Install Official CM13 Marshmallow ROM On Nextbit Robin Supported Devices: This guide is only for Nextbit Robin (Ether) Read More:
*Make sure there is at least 60% battery left on your smartphone before begin. *Make Sure TWRP is installed on your device.
WARNING: will not be held responsible for any kind of damage occurred to your Nextbit Robin while following this tutorial.Do it at your own risk.
Make sure you have a custom recovery (TWRP/CWM) Install On your device.We recommend TWRP Recovery. Now from TWRP Recovery →Take a proper Nandroid backup so that you can restore anytime you need. Guide > How To Create & Restore Nandroid Backup On Android Devices
Download Official CM13 Marshmallow ROM On Nextbit Robin (Ether)
*First of all, read the Pre-Requirement section carefully
Now Download Both Official CM13 and Gapps Zip file from the download section above Next, Connect your Nextbit Robin to Your PC via provided USB cable Then Copy both downloaded files to the internal memory of your Nextbit Robin Now reboot your device to Recovery mode by pressing “Volume Down+Power Button” Now from TWRP Recovery →Take a proper Nandroid backup so that you can restore anytime you need. Guide > How To Create & Restore Nandroid Backup On Android Devices Now follow this guide to Flash The CM13 Marshmallow ROM On Nextbit Robin –»How to Install CM13 (CyanogenMod 13) Via TWRP Recovery After Flashing the CM 13 ROM, now Flash the Gapps -» How To Download & Install CyanogenMod 13 Gapps
→ If you want to enable root access on CyanogenMod 13 then follow this guide–»How to Enable Root Access on CM13 If you have any questions related to this post feel free to ask in the comment section. Source CyanogenMod