Android is the most used and popular mobile operating system in the world. There are more thousands and thousands of manufacturers which are making Android devices. The popularity of Android OS is because of the freedom of customization it offers. Unlike iOS, everything on an Android device (software related) can easily be modified to match users taste. Android users can root their device easily and can install TWRP or any other recovery. The rooting process on Android is easier compared to iOS. Once custom recovery is installed, users can flash Custom ROMs which are modified Android Operating systems developed by an Android developer or a group of developers. Supported Devices List : (AT&T Galaxy S5 G900A, G900D, G900F, G900H, G900H, G900I, G900J, G900K, G900L, Sprint Galaxy S5 G900P, G900S and others) All the ROMs are for Samsung Galaxy S5 but support different variants. So do check your Model number before flashing the ROMs.The ROMs are used by Many users and all are posted in trusted Xda sites. You should download the latest build of these ROMs. Below we share Full List Of Best ROMs For Galaxy S5 (All Variants). Update: Galaxy S5 New Pie, Oreo and Nougat ROMs
Pie ROMs List: Best Android Pie ROMs For Samsung Galaxy S5 (Android 9.0) Oreo ROMs List: Galaxy S5 Oreo ROMs List (Android 8.0/8.1) Nougat ROMs List: Galaxy S5 Best Android Nougat ROMs Collection (Updated daily)
For Older ROMs Please scroll down below, Older ROMs are listed below.
*Make sure there is at least 80% battery left on your smartphone before beginning this process → You have to Flash the ROMs manually Via custom recovery like TWRP
Warning: will not be held responsible for any kind of damage occurred to your Galaxy S5 while following this tutorial. Do it at your own risk. → Top best ROMs For Galaxy S5
List Best Custom ROMs For Galaxy S5 (All Variants Old and new)
Galaxy SS 5-G900D
SpaceX LP GerisROM
Galaxy SS 5-G900A
Windows 8 Style Unity ROM ViSiX KoolKit
Galaxy SS 5-G900F
Omega ROM Unofficial CM12 Ambasadii MIUI v5 AllianceROM NoNonsense ROM XtreStoLite BoBCaTROM_EVO Alexndr SlightROM NxTGen ROM JoelDroid PhoeniX ROM Masik Lollipop X-Note SpaceX LP NeatROM WanamLite Windows 8 Style GerisROM FoxHound the Phantom Pain Project Infinity Shohat ROM Stock with Extras Dirty Unicorns
Galaxy SS 5-G901F
Galaxy SS 5-G900H
XtreStoLite Zephyr Lite [N]ation L ROM The PhEnOmRoM
Galaxy SS 5-G900I
Omega ROM AllianceROM XtreStoLite Masik Lollipop Project Infinity Shohat ROM
Galaxy SS 5-G900J
SpaceX LP
Galaxy SS 5-G900K
XtreStoLite Masik Lollipop SpaceX LP
Galaxy SS 5-G906K
Unofficial CM12
Galaxy SS 5-G900L
XtreStoLite Masik Lollipop SpaceX LP Project Infinity Shohat ROM
Galaxy SS 5-G906L
Unofficial CM12
Galaxy SS 5-G900M
Omega ROM AllianceROM XtreStoLite NxTGen ROM Masik Lollipop Project Infinity Shohat ROM
Galaxy SS 5-G900P
Shohat ROM MOAR Un-Adulterated CM12 Unofficial PAC-MAN Unofficial Beanstalk LickMePop AllianceROM Sacs NKD Unofficial NamelessRom Rwilco12 Fatal Venum Ice Reborn
Galaxy SS 5-G900S
XtreStoLite Masik Lollipop SpaceX LP Project Infinity (source: Android Explained)
How to Install Custom ROMs On Galaxy S5 via TWRP recovery
Make Sure your device is rooted and Latest TWRP Recovery Is installed On Your Phone How to Install TWRP Recovery On Any Android Device Download the desired ROM from the list below then download the Gapps (Search on Google) Then transfer them to the internal memory of your Galaxy S5 Via USB Then Reboot your device to Recovery Mode How To to Boot Into Recovery Mode On Android (Various Ways) From the TWRP main menu take a backup of your current ROM and data How To Create A Nandroid Backup On Android Devices After that do a factory reset Then Go to Install and from the TWRP main menu and Flash the ROM After installation is completed reboot system from TWRP main menu Boot will take up to 10min as it is the fresh boot so don’t panic Done!!! Your Device should have a new ROM
If we have missed any ROMs then mention that in the Comment Section below